The core objective of NEWI’s health sector is to improve access to, and utilization of primary health care services through existing health structures at community level. In order to ensure holistic and a more preventative approach, NEWI’s health sector uses a three-tier approach;
Tier 1: Primary Health Care: To NEWI, improved and sustainable access to, and utilization of basic high-quality primary health care services at community level especially by women and children is the most effective way to contribute to sustainable development goal number 3 – Good Health and Wellness. Of NEWI’s primary focus is empowerment and bolstering the capacity of community health workers to be able to conduct community-based case management of common infections in the community including diarrhea, malaria and pneumonia through simple diagnostic and treatment interventions. NEWI’s key primary health care areas of focus include;
- Community health promotion through well-structured dissemination of key preventive messages in collaboration with other humanitarian actors and the Ministry of Health
- Technical support for community-based health workers to provide high-quality primary health care services including promoting utilization of maternal/reproductive and child health services.
- Empowerment and strengthening the capacity of community health workers to be able to conduct community-based case management of common infections in the community including diarrhea, malaria and pneumonia through simple diagnostic and treatment interventions.
- Social Behavior Change (SBC) communication and community sensitization on key HIV prevention measures and supporting the HIV infected individuals and households to access high quality treatment through a network of well-trained community health workers and a case identification and referral system.
Tier 2: Nutrition: NEWI implements integrated management and prevention of acute and chronic malnutrition though a wide-range of interventions, both at community and health facility levels. NEWI acknowledges the fact that diet contributes substantially to the global disease burden hence this can be alleviated significantly if people make the right dietary choices and if undernutrition is treated in time and most importantly, treated especially among children aged 6 – 59 months and women of reproductive age. Undernutrition among children aged 6 – 59 months and pregnant and lactating women remains a major public health concern and a major contributor to under-five and maternal mortality globally. Effective treatment of malnutrition and promotion of good nutrition at community level is an effective way to prevent most infections associated with malnutrition. NEWI is implementing the following nutrition interventions;
- Anthropometric screening and referral of children aged 6 – 59 months and pregnant and lactating women identified with moderate and severe acute malnutrition
- Disseminating of key Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) messages at community level through community health workers. CHWs conduct mass sensitization sessions as well as house-to-house visits and individual counselling sessions.
- Promotion of dietary diversity and good nutrition at household level through demonstration gardens managed by mother-to-mother support groups
Tier 3: Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH): Unsafe drinking water, poor hygiene and lack of or improper use if sanitation facilities is a major predisposing factor to common infections, primarily diarrheal infections. As a preventive approach, NEWI is implementing the following WASH interventions;
- Distribution of water purifier tablets to local communities during floods and during the dry spell.
- Community sensitization on the importance of construction and proper use of pit latrines
- Handwashing demonstrations and provision of TIP TAPs that are locally made
Solid waste management at community level.